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Penis Extender Standard

We have a lot of penis extenders scattered all over the internet, but the fact is that there are medically approved standard for a penis extender. You will be doing your penis more than harm if you use a penis extender that is not of high standard. We have two types of penis extenders. Do not be confused if two penis extenders look alike because they actually differ from another with one or more than one major things. We have the single padded and double padded penis extenders. The single padded penis extenders are the homemade types and inferior ones and it is not of penis extender standard, while the double padded types are the medical standard of a penis extender.

Examples of single padded penis extender which you can find in the market or rather online are jez extender, euroextender, x4 labs, pro extender, vimax extender and the rest of others. I have only been able to see only one double padded penis extender in my years of experience with penis stretchers. The double padded penis extender is size genetics. The reason why the double padded penis extender is medically approved and the best standard for a penis extender is as a result of the comfort and pain-free which is derived from the use of it. You will be feeling more comfort when you put on a double padded penis extender. It does not pain as well. This is why it is medically approved and up to standard.

Unlike the single padded strap penis extender which does not have such comfort and most does pain. When you put on a double padded penis extender, you will be able to wear it for long because it does not pain. If you put on a penis extender for long it implies that you will get faster and visible results from the use of it. The minimum amount of time which you should put on a penis extender for a day to get up to an inch increase in few weeks is about 5 hours.


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