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My Innocent Son Was Arrested

When my son was arrested on drug charges, I am not sure who was more surprised. I think everyone was, as my son is 100 percent against drugs. We tried to tell the police there was a mistake but we were told to save it for the legal system. I imagine they do hear that daily, so instead of berating them, I knew that we had to find a really good criminal defense attorney to help my son fight these charges.

I thought that we could just show a judge what a good person my son is, but I then realized that was a very naive point of view. I know that there are ministers, pastors and even grandmothers sitting in jail for doing something wrong, so simply stating that my son is a good boy to a judge who hears this many times throughout the week simply would not work.

I had never had the need of a criminal defense attorney before, so I had to go online and do some research. There were so many of them, and I had to make sure that I selected the one that would ensure that my son did not get sentenced for a crime he did not commit. He was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, and he ended up becoming the scapegoat for the real criminals.

I selected the Baylor Law firm because of the testimonials that I had read from some clients of theirs, and that gave me my first hope in this nightmare. When we explained the circumstances, the legal team there was able to put together a case pretty quickly. I thought this was going to play out in the court room, but they took it to the D.A. who saw the error in my son’s arrest. All charges were dropped, and he even received an apology. The best thing about this is that my son is not bitter at all, because he knows the police were only following a trail that was meant to point toward him. The real criminals have since been caught, and they are all serving jail sentences now.

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